You may already know the basics of this ancient Chinese teaching, whether that is the placement of your bed or the Feng Shui house features to avoid. However, your design decisions are equally as important for encouraging good energy in your space. Here are 5 important features to note, according to an expert. 

5 Feng Shui design mistakes to avoid – to promote positivity at home

From a faulty faucet to the perfect Feng Shui bedroom layout, this is what you need to remember when designing any room in your home.  

1. Avoid a dripping tap

Feng Shui expert Patricia Lohan (opens in new tab) warns against dripping taps in your kitchen or bathroom, as it ‘represents money draining and dripping away.’ However, her advice isn’t limited to bathroom Feng Shui or kitchen Feng Shui. ‘Fix anything that’s broken – move around your home and see if there are things that are depleted, cracked, and not working – that’s depleting your energy.’

2. Placing a mirror opposite your front door

It is natural and understandable to check your appearance before leaving your home – but the placement of your mirror can have a significant impact on your entryway Feng Shui. And the biggest mistake you can make? Placing it opposite your front door.  ‘A mirror facing the door is not good Feng Shui,’ Patrica says. This is because good the ‘good energy’ that flows through the front door is reflected straight back outside again. However, if you are determined to keep your mirror in its place, there are ways to lessen its effects. The recommends putting some fresh flowers in front of the mirror or adding a decal to ‘make it less reflective.’

3. Sitting with your back to the door

‘When you’re sitting with your back to the door, you’re in a vulnerable position,’ Patrica warns. ‘The energy is coming in and coming behind you, so you can’t see what’s coming. You’re not in your power position, and you’re living in a place of vulnerability.’ And while the expert suggests this tip is particularly important in regard to office Feng Shui, it applies to all rooms in the home.  ‘There’s a fight-or-flight energy that makes you feel unsteady and unconfident,’ she says. ‘You want to set yourself up ideally by sitting with your back to the wall so you can see the door and see what’s coming at you. You will feel more confident and prepared.’

4. Choosing the wrong artwork

Decorating with art can be very powerful in your home. It can set the mood for your entire space and act as a source of inspiration for all who pass through. So, it is unsurprising that artwork has a significant impact on Feng Shui, too.  ‘I encourage you to do a real assessment of the art in your home to make sure it aligns with the life you want,’ Patricia says. She avoids choosing pieces with turbulent water and stormy, rocky weather ‘as this what will start unfolding in your life’. Similarly, ‘imagery that is sad, lonely and lacking joy will mirror this.’ 

5. Avoid plants with sharp or spiked edges

Houseplants are becoming increasingly popular, and all for a good reason. They bring an organic feel to any sized space and improve your home’s air quality, too. However, teachings around plant Feng Shui suggest that some green staples are best avoided. Patricia warns against cacti and other spiky plants because they ‘repel the positive energy’ in your space.  ‘Yes, plants represent growth, and even images of plants are a great thing to have in your home – but avoid cacti and spiky plants.’