However, a fallen peace lily is no cause for significant concern, as you can quickly restore its former glory with the right peace lily care advice.  Asking ‘why is my peace lily drooping’ is the first step to success – as you inevitably need to address the problem before beginning the revival process. However, when you have discovered what is causing the droop (whether that is through over or under-watering or incorrect light levels), you can bring your plant back to life with the right care and attention.  These are the steps that experts follow when bringing their peace lily back to life. 

How do you revive a droopy peace lily? 

There is a lot to love about the peace lily – one of the best Feng Shui plants – and the best air-cleaning indoor plants you can bring into your home. It’s also easy to care for – meaning you can bring them back to life in four simple steps. 

1. Check root health 

You may have already learned why your peace lily is drooping, but the check doesn’t end there. As plant expert Kate Lindley at Baby Bio (opens in new tab) explains, the key to checking your plant’s health is to assess the root health.  To do this, you should remove your lily from your container by tipping it to the side and gently teasing the plant and its roots free. After you have removed it from the pot, lay it on a clean surface and remove any compost mix gathered around the root ball.  ‘If you find the roots are soft and brown, your plant may be showing early signs of root rot – a result of being left to sit in waterlogged compost,’ Kate says.  ‘If there are still some healthy roots, the plant can be saved by trimming off any dead or dying roots back to where the root becomes firm and white again but be sure to use sterilized scissors when doing so.’ 

2. Remove dead leaves 

Peace lilies are one of the best winter houseplants you can choose, but that doesn’t mean they’re immune to yellowing leaves over cooler months. However, if you notice your plant’s leaves are discolored or crispy, it doesn’t necessarily mean your plant is dying. In this case, you should simply remove the dead leaves and enjoy a healthy-looking plant once again.  ‘Using a clean, sharp pair of scissors or pruners, cut off any dead leaves which appear brown or yellow or which show early signs of disease,’ Kate says. ‘Some plant species are particularly susceptible to diseases such as leaf spot, black leg, or sooty mold, so making sure your scissors are sterile is important.’

3. Add nutrients  

Like all living room, kitchen, or bedroom plants, your peace lilies compost will lose nutrients over time.  ‘If your plant is beginning to look limp, try using fertilizer to ensure its soil is enriched with all of the nutrients it needs to grow stronger roots, brighter blooms, and more leaves,’ Kate says.  ‘As a general rule of thumb, most plants need a mix of nitrogen, phosphorous, and potassium for optimum growth, so invest in plant food that can provide the perfect balance. We recommend using an all-purpose feed every time you water. Simply add a few drops to water and pour at the base of your houseplant.’

4. Give it more sunshine 

Finding a sunny spot for your peace lily is one of the most impactful things you can do when learning how to care for house plants in winter – especially if you notice it is drooping. Kate adds that this is particularly important in the cooler months when natural light is in short supply. ‘Increase humidity levels by placing your plants next to a tray of pebbles in a shallow layer of water, and remember to mist regularly, too.’

How do you bring a droopy peace lily back to life?

The best way to bring a droopy peace lily back to life is to ensure your home accommodates its healthy growth.  ‘Think about the temperature of your home, how much natural light you get, and the levels of humidity in the space you are looking to fill,’ says Dani Turner, an expert from Bunches (opens in new tab). She suggests that the Peace Lily plant is one of the best bathroom plants as it is a more humid environment and often offers the best level of sunlight.  ‘If the leaves on your Peace Lily are turning yellow, there are a few factors that may be causing this,’ Dani adds. ‘Your leaves may simply be aging; a way to see if this is the case would be to see if they dry up and fall off; alternatively, you could prune the yellowing leaves. '