Achieving a seamless feel throughout your home results from a great flow throughout every room – from curating the perfect bedroom feng shui layout – to a clutter-free kitchen that makes mornings easier.  It’s easy to see the appeal of improving your home’s traffic flow, but where do the experts begin?

How to fix your home’s traffic flow – according to a professional organizer

‘In feng shui, we talk about flow through a home and how the life force energy (or chi) either supports or upsets the wellbeing of the people living there. Human traffic moves in exactly the same way,’ says Interiors Therapy and Feng Shui Expert Suzanne Roynon (opens in new tab).  Therefore, if there are ‘barriers’ (such as doors that won’t open fully and clutter blocking your path), it is likely to make life more difficult for everyone in your home. This will lead to stress, arguments, and frustration – ‘all of which coincidentally are signs the Feng Shui and flow of a home isn’t supporting the people who live in it.’ These are the five most impactful things to look out for. 

1. Ensure your entryway is clear

The first and most important part of the home is your entryway feng shui ideas. ‘This is where both people and energy come into the building, and it’s often the first bottleneck, too,’ Suzanne says.  The expert urges you to keep the doorway and entrance hall clear of unused shoes, coats, junk mail, and recycling on its way to the curb. ‘Put away out-of-season clothing and use hooks or other non-intrusive storage for jackets, hats, and bags.  Keep stairs and landings free of debris, too.’ 

2. Adopt a clear countertop policy

Kitchen feng shui is one of the most challenging to maintain, especially in open plan areas where space can be at a premium. The solution to promoting a good flow in this space comes down to a clear countertop policy – meaning you should keep all utensils and cooking ingredients behind closed doors.  Suzanne also recommends creating a dedicated space for paperwork, and other miscellaneous items that may be left on your countertops. ‘This has a double benefit – it’s more enjoyable to cook healthy, nutritious meals, and [it’s] easier to keep clean,’ she says.  ‘Notice what creates the traffic chaos in your kitchen; consider adding a tea/coffee station or simply an additional kettle or microwave to smooth flow at breakfast and other busy times.’

3. Break habits in the living room

Our living rooms may have taken on multi-purposes in recent years – often substituting for offices, gyms, and classrooms. However, Suzanne warns that this causes ’traffic confusion’ – and you may need to be honest about how much stuff genuinely needs to be in your space.  ‘In all likelihood, there are items within the living space which either don’t need to be there or are kept out of habit or because a decision needs to be made about them, and that can include large, uncomfortable furniture,’ she says.  ‘Everything taking space in a home needs to justify the space it takes. If you won’t use it again, sell or donate to a charity so someone else can appreciate it.’

4. Prioritize sleep in the bedroom

‘The bedroom has also become a catch-all space which can make it a hub for children, guests, pets, and everything connected with them,’ Suzanne warns. The bedroom should be a calm, peaceful room and provide a welcome sanctuary at the end of the day, so if your space is used for other reasons, it may have a negative impact on traffic congestion. ‘Remove anything which has no place in the bedroom, such as stacks of unread books, filing, dirty laundry, and tech equipment,’ Suzanne says. She also recommends organizing your bedroom storage ideas so you can get ready in the morning without spending time searching for the clothes you need. 

5. Use designated containers in the bathroom

According to Suzanne, the bathroom is one of the hardest rooms to maintain a flow in your home. Whether you’re dealing with a small space or you’re sharing a larger room amongst multiple people, it is likely to become chaotic with bottles, towels, and other toiletries. The solution, however, can be as simple as a practical container for each household member to hold their products.  ‘Make space put them away when they aren’t being used,’ Suzanne says. She also recommends using color-coded towels to encourage each family member to take personal responsibility for keeping the bathroom tidy.  ‘Taking the time to improve traffic flow around a home will do more than ease tension. It will also allow the Feng Shui chi to circulate more smoothly, and that’s good news for everyone.’