I frequently struggled with cleaning glass shower doors as I attempted to balance keeping the screen streak free while also removing tuff soap scum stains and marks. Because cleaning a bathroom is generally one of my least favorite tasks, any cleaning tip that made it easier was more than welcome. With how simple it is to use dryer sheets to almost instantly dissolve soap scum, I am shocked I didn’t know about it sooner.  Here, I explain just how to use dryer sheets on your shower doors so you can speed up your bathroom cleaning routine while seeing better results. 

How I use dryer sheets to get rid of soap scum 

Using a dryer sheet to clean my shower doors is one of many bathroom cleaning tips that has made my bathroom cleaning far less time-consuming. What’s more, this simple trick can also be used to clean a bathroom sink and clean a bathtub. I found that the texture of the wet dryer sheet gently buffed the stains away without scratching - something I was afraid of when using harsher cleaners to remove the stains in the past. It works best on shower doors or other bathroom surfaces that are dry to help the sheet grip slightly.  Once the stains have come away from the surface, ensure you rinse the area thoroughly with plain, warm water to remove any residue left over from the dryer sheets. I found the first time around that remaining residue may leave glass surfaces to appear cloudy rather than sparkling clean.  The first time I used this tip to clean my shower I found that I was using an alarming amount of dryer sheets to cover the entirety of my shower space however, after a few cleans and keeping on top of my cleaning regime meant that I had to use less and less each time and stains were not left to build up.  My dryer sheets no longer live in my laundry room storage ideas, but my bathroom storage ideas instead! 

Why do dryer sheets work so well against soap scum 

I was confused at first as to why dryer sheets worked so well to dissolve soap scum and get rid of smears on glass, however after some research, it made perfect sense.  Dryer sheets are made with chemicals embedded into the fabric designed to soften clothes and keep them soft. As a result, when wet under warm water and rubbed over soap scum, the chemicals soften and loosen the caked-on grime making it easier to remove without residue.  Dryer sheets are also made to help reduce static (hence why you can also use dryer sheets to speed clean baseboards) meaning that dust will not collect on your shower door once you have cleaned it, leaving it sparkling for longer between cleans.

Will dryer sheets scratch glass?

Despite not being purpose made for cleaning glass, they do not scratch glass when used for cleaning. Dryer sheets are naturally delicate so they can be used with clothes without causing damage, making them perfectly safe for cleaning other fragile surfaces too. 

How do you clean a tub with dryer sheets?

Just as dryer sheets can be used to clean soap scum and smears from glass shower doors, they can also be used to clean a tub. By wetting a dryer sheet under warm water and wiping the tub down you will be able to easily melt away soap scum and leave the surface of your bathtub smooth and looking sleek.