If you’re buying new from one of the best furniture stores, timing can be the difference between getting a great deal and merely a good one, for instance, when shopping end-of-season sales or picking up outdoor furniture in winter when demand is at its lowest. So, whether you’re looking for the best place to buy a couch or planning ahead for a house move, when is the best time to buy furniture? Industry experts and designers have revealed the best times of year to get good deals so that you can buy the Eames lounger and the coffee table in one go. Sure, it might require some patience, but timing it right can leave you feeling savvy.

Best time to buy furniture

1. Wait until the summer

‘While it may be tempting to take advantage of furniture sales around Black Friday or the winter holidays, I generally recommend waiting for summer sales,’ says Grace Baena, Interior Designer at pre-loved, sustainable furniture marketplace Kaiyo (opens in new tab). ‘For instance, Labor Day and July 4th in the US typically have furniture retailers offering major deals, so it can be worthwhile to wait.’ However, Grace explains that it very much depends on your priorities. For example, if you really want to have the latest model of couch or sectional, if you did wait, you might miss out altogether, or it might be a luxury you can’t afford. If, on the other hand, you’re not bothered about having the latest models, you can also keep an eye on when retailers around you tend to release new furniture. ‘Retailers will generally offer deals on older models before the release of new ones in spring,’ explains Grace.

2. The New Year

With its fresh-slate January feeling, the New Year is a time when lots of people reconsider their homes and make plans to decorate. And if you’re making changes, this is a great opportunity to declutter and replace items that no longer spark joy or suit your interior style. That said, furniture can have long lead times, so make sure to factor that into your planning.  It’s absolutely worth checking out after-Christmas sales — last year, there were discounts ranging from 25% to 60% at Macy’s, and 65% off at Bloomingdale’s. Plus you can expect to find great bargains from a whole host of other big brands. So, it’s worth bearing in mind that after Christmas is another excellent time to shop.

3. The end-of-season sales

‘The end of each season can be a good time to snap up bargains as retailers reduce items in summer or winter colorways or upholstery to make way for new season lines,’ comments Alex David, Head of Ecommerce at Homes & Gardens. So August to September and December to January are the months when many furniture retailers will be freeing up space for their new stock and a chance for you to swoop in and finally complete your bedroom with that rattan bed from West Elm. But, it’s not quite that simple, as it varies from store to store so you need to keep an eye on what your favorite brands are doing. Chris Alexakis from Cabinet Select (opens in new tab) points out that another great time to shop for furniture is at the beginning of each season. ‘Stores tend to lower prices in order to make room for their new collections, which can be a great time to get good deals,’ he says. If you have your heart set on a particular piece of furniture but it’s out of your budget it’s always worth doing your homework. Research the best time to buy the type of furniture you’re looking for so you can snap it up for less than the original RRP. The best mattresses are often heavily discounted for President’s Day and refreshing your patio furniture should really be done when hosting barbecues is the last thing on anyone’s minds.