But spraying a shop-bought mold killer or your own white vinegar and water solution is the most straightforward. Mold left on the ceiling not only looks bad, but it will spread, and it can cause respiratory issues – so it’s worth tackling now. Make sure you keep the space well-ventilated and wear a mask as the mold removal process can release mold spores into the air. Here’s how to get your bathroom ceiling mold-free.

How to get rid of bathroom ceiling mold easily

Michael Rubino (opens in new tab) is a mold and air quality expert, and author of The Mold Medic, an Expert’s Guide on Mold Removal. He explains that mold grows roots called hyphae, which can reach within the surface that it’s growing on if it’s porous or semi-porous. That’s why it can be difficult to completely eliminate.  ‘Use a sponge to gently remove any visible mold from the ceiling. Be sure to wear protective gear, such as gloves, a face mask, and safety glasses,’ she begins. ‘Once you have removed any visible mold, spray the ceiling with the vinegar-water solution or commercial mold bleach. ‘Let the cleaner sit for at least 15-20 minutes and then scrub the ceiling to remove any remaining mold,’ she says. For hard-to-reach areas, dip a toothbrush in the solution and scrub. After that, rinse the area with fresh water and dry the ceiling with a towel. Repeat this process if necessary, until all the mold has gone. If you have a textured ceiling experts recommend leaving mold removal to professionals as it calls for specialized ventilation masks and safety clothes.

How to stop mold from coming back

Small jobs like this will make it easier to keep on top of things so cleaning the bathroom never becomes a mammoth task that takes all day. Keeping doors and windows open also prevents mold by helping air to circulate, and quickly spraying walls when you see the first signs of mold will also keep it under control. It’s all well and good cleaning up the mold to make things look better, after all, no one wants to sit back in a hot bath to see a load of black dots on the ceiling. But it’ll keep coming back unless you work out what’s causing it, as cleaning expert Angela from Hellamaid (opens in new tab) explains. ‘You need to determine the source of the mold. If there is a leak, fix it first,’ she says. ‘If moisture is the culprit, install an exhaust fan and turn it on for 30 minutes every time you have a shower or bath.’ She also suggests drying the floor regularly and not leaving damp towels in the bathroom.

Can vinegar kill mold on a bathroom ceiling?

Yes, vinegar will kill mold on a bathroom ceiling. Justin Carpenter, CEO at Modern Maids (opens in new tab) says white vinegar is an effective, natural way to get rid of mold from non-porous surfaces like tiles, countertops and walls. Like Diana, he suggests making a solution of equal parts white vinegar and water in a spray bottle. He recommends leaving it for a little longer, nearer an hour, and wiping it with a clean cloth. ‘Vinegar can also be used to prevent further mold growth by spritzing it onto surfaces after cleaning,’ he says.

title: " The Easiest Way To Get Rid Of Bathroom Ceiling Mold " ShowToc: true date: “2022-11-26” author: “Merlin Clinton”

But spraying a shop-bought mold killer or your own white vinegar and water solution is the most straightforward. Mold left on the ceiling not only looks bad, but it will spread, and it can cause respiratory issues – so it’s worth tackling now. Make sure you keep the space well-ventilated and wear a mask as the mold removal process can release mold spores into the air. Here’s how to get your bathroom ceiling mold-free.

How to get rid of bathroom ceiling mold easily

Michael Rubino (opens in new tab) is a mold and air quality expert, and author of The Mold Medic, an Expert’s Guide on Mold Removal. He explains that mold grows roots called hyphae, which can reach within the surface that it’s growing on if it’s porous or semi-porous. That’s why it can be difficult to completely eliminate.  ‘Use a sponge to gently remove any visible mold from the ceiling. Be sure to wear protective gear, such as gloves, a face mask, and safety glasses,’ she begins. ‘Once you have removed any visible mold, spray the ceiling with the vinegar-water solution or commercial mold bleach. ‘Let the cleaner sit for at least 15-20 minutes and then scrub the ceiling to remove any remaining mold,’ she says. For hard-to-reach areas, dip a toothbrush in the solution and scrub. After that, rinse the area with fresh water and dry the ceiling with a towel. Repeat this process if necessary, until all the mold has gone. If you have a textured ceiling experts recommend leaving mold removal to professionals as it calls for specialized ventilation masks and safety clothes.

How to stop mold from coming back

Small jobs like this will make it easier to keep on top of things so cleaning the bathroom never becomes a mammoth task that takes all day. Keeping doors and windows open also prevents mold by helping air to circulate, and quickly spraying walls when you see the first signs of mold will also keep it under control. It’s all well and good cleaning up the mold to make things look better, after all, no one wants to sit back in a hot bath to see a load of black dots on the ceiling. But it’ll keep coming back unless you work out what’s causing it, as cleaning expert Angela from Hellamaid (opens in new tab) explains. ‘You need to determine the source of the mold. If there is a leak, fix it first,’ she says. ‘If moisture is the culprit, install an exhaust fan and turn it on for 30 minutes every time you have a shower or bath.’ She also suggests drying the floor regularly and not leaving damp towels in the bathroom.

Can vinegar kill mold on a bathroom ceiling?

Yes, vinegar will kill mold on a bathroom ceiling. Justin Carpenter, CEO at Modern Maids (opens in new tab) says white vinegar is an effective, natural way to get rid of mold from non-porous surfaces like tiles, countertops and walls. Like Diana, he suggests making a solution of equal parts white vinegar and water in a spray bottle. He recommends leaving it for a little longer, nearer an hour, and wiping it with a clean cloth. ‘Vinegar can also be used to prevent further mold growth by spritzing it onto surfaces after cleaning,’ he says.