Throughout his career, John has inevitably encountered a host of front-door ideas –including those that you need to avoid. Therefore, in his exclusive with H&G, we had to ask – what is the biggest front door mistake you can make? His answer will elevate your home’s curb appeal instantly.

The biggest front door mistake you can make – according to John Gidding

‘The biggest mistake people make is not making their front door eye-catching because it’s a missed opportunity,’ John begins. ‘[Your front door] does more than just make a façade exciting or invite people to the entrance. What it does is activate how enthusiastic you are about your house. By making the front door highly visible and highly attractive from the street, you’ve almost created the best possible scenario for a great first impression.’ Failing to explore new front door color ideas is the biggest mistake when it comes to improving your curb appeal. But where should you begin with the transformation process?  ‘I always tell homeowners that I have to focus on the process of getting from the sidewalk to the front door to find the things they should improve,’ John says. ‘What are you seeing, and what do you touch when you walk from the sidewalk to the front door? Those are the first five things you should improve.’  Conventionally, these first five things are your front gate, path, mailbox, house numbers, and your front door. ‘Most people just leave their front door that drab green or black that it comes in, and it’s really a missed opportunity.’

What color should you paint your front door?

John Gidding urges you to elevate your front yard landscaping ideas by changing the first five things you see – including your front door. But which hues does he favor? The answer, according to the Masonite (opens in new tab) curb appeal designer, is personal. ‘Unlike the rest of the façade that really should be based on the identity of the architecture and less on trends, the door can follow color trends if there is a tone that’s really in this season, feel free to paint your door that color,’ he says.  If painting your front door in a bold, trendy color feels risky, the designer reinforces that your choice is quickly reversible. ‘If it’s not working with your façade or your plantings, or you don’t actually love that color, you can always repaint it,’ he says.  Plus,  the process doesn’t stop with your chosen hues. John Gidding urges you to add decorative details like a wreath or another fixture you can change throughout the seasons.  ‘Also, matching metal finishes is a great way of showing you’ve got a design eye,’ he explains. ‘If your door has, for example, matte black hardware, you can also have a lighting fixture next to the door. It’s almost like the jewelry of the house when the metal finishes imply you have a design sensibility about you.’