While you may have spent time coordinating your nursery ideas to perfection, there is even more to this room than its aesthetic. Here sleep experts explain the importance of achieving a safe temperature in your newborn’s room – and share their tips on how to keep a bedroom cool during the most challenging time of the year. 

What is a safe temperature for a newborn’s room?  

‘The baby’s room has to be comfortably cool, between 68 and 72 degrees Fahrenheit (21/22 Celsius),’ says Alex Savy, a Certified Sleep Science Coach and Founder of Sleeping Ocean (opens in new tab).  It is vital that the room sits around this temperature to minimize the chance of sudden infant death syndrome (SID) during sleep, which worries many parents worldwide. 

How can you maintain a safe temperature in a newborn’s room? 

When designing baby boy or baby girl nursery ideas, the experts urge you to bring heat control to the forefront of your plans. These are the most effective ways to keep the space cool all year round.  

1. Invest in a digital thermometer 

‘The easiest way to maintain this temperature is by controlling the thermostat,’ Alex says. Home expert Oberon Copeland (opens in new tab) recommends using a digital thermometer that will alert you when the temperature rises or falls out of the desired range.  ‘Another way to control the temperature is to use a space heater or air conditioner. When using either of these devices, be sure to follow all safety precautions. By taking these steps, you can help ensure that your newborn’s room is always at a safe and comfortable temperature,’ Oberon adds.

2. Keep curtains and blinds closed  

If you know how to keep a home cool in a heatwave, you may already be aware of your curtain’s (and blinds) powers. And this tactic is equally as impactful in your newborn’s room. Alex suggests closing the blinds and curtains during the day to promote a cool environment as the room has not baked in sunlight throughout the daytime 

3. Use natural, breathable fabrics 

When choosing the best mattress for your baby, the expert suggests picking one made with breathable fabrics that will maintain a steady airflow throughout the night and lower the risk of overheating. ‘Such fabrics include cotton, bamboo, Tencel, linen, and viscose,’ Alex says. However, it is also important to note that newborn babies should sleep with no blankets, pillows, or stuffed toys in their cots. ‘Many experts believe the best way for babies to sleep before they’re a year old is in your room with you, in their crib, on their backs, with only a firm mattress and nothing else in the crib with them,’ adds sleep expert Dorothy Chambers from Sleep Junkie (opens in new tab). ‘That includes not just pillows but blankets, stuffed animals, and anything else plush that could smother your baby,’ These tips will help minimize the risk of SID and promote a longer and healthier sleep for you and your baby through the hot summer months.