The meaning of Feng Shui goes beyond just your main furniture pieces. For example, did you know how much of an impact the placement of your TV may have on the Feng Shui of your home? Here, we look at the best places to put your TV and what Feng Shui effects it may have. 

Which wall should a TV be on?

‘The living room is one of the most important places in the home,’ says Jennifer Ebert, digital editor at Homes & Gardens. ‘Living rooms are both areas to entertain and relax. Some also have to take on other functions such as dining rooms or offices. Well-planned living rooms are therefore imperative in allowing this room to meet every need and that gives off the right energy.’ One way of creating this energy in a Feng Shui living room is through Feng Shui TV placement. 

Good Feng Shui TV guidelines  

‘For most families, a TV is an essential tool that not only allows us to unwind, but also to keep kids, friends and extended family entertained,’ says Jennifer Ebert. ‘The problem is, it’s not the prettiest piece of décor – when switched off, it’s essentially a black box, so finding the perfect Feng Shui TV placement is of upmost importance.’

1. Find the right TV location 

Unlike many Feng Shui principles, the positioning of your TV can be flexible depending on what kind of energy or Feng Shui benefits you want to achieve.  The TV is a highly charged Feng Shui item and can be used as a living room wall idea to boost either your prosperity or your luck, depending on where you place it. Using the Bagua map in your space suggests that prosperity may be increased by hanging a charred item like a TV on Northern walls, whilst placing a TV on a Southerly wall can increase luck.  It is not recommended, however, to place the TV on an East or West wall. According to the Bagua map, these opposing walls represent the family and children quadrants respectively, and a highly charged TV could throw them out of balance.

2. Balance the rooms energy around the TV

In Feng Shui, design is centered around balancing Yin and Yang energies. Yin is calm and peaceful whereas Yang is active and energizing. When planning out your living room ideas you should aim to balance the two so that the space is perfect for both relaxing after a long day as well as enjoying time with guests.  The TV exudes Yang energy so to balance it out consider incorporating softer elements such as Feng Shui houseplants, soft curved shapes, and natural materials such as wood, wool, and soft linens. The TV’s energizing aura is why they are not recommended in Feng Shui bedrooms as they can throw off the Yin energy required for a restful night’s sleep. 

3. Conceal the TV when it’s not in use

In Feng Shui, reflective surfaces need to be used carefully and with much consideration. This is because Feng Shui beliefs see mirrors as being capable of multiplying negative energies through their reflections. When the TV is not in use, the black screen can become reflective and mirror any clutter that is in your living room. This ‘uncontrolled’ use of mirrors can be avoided by placing your TV in a media console with doors so that it can be concealed and only revealed when turned on. Another benefit of this living room TV idea is that it allows you to conceal your TV and allow the room to have a different interesting focal point. This can result in a more put-together room that puts greater emphasis on socializing when you have guests. 

Where should a TV be placed in a living room?

In a living room, a TV should be placed far enough away from the living room seating that it fills at least 30% of your horizontal field of view – this ensures that it is not so far away that you are straining to pay attention.  On the other hand, it is important to not sit too close to your TV. There is an easy formula to find the ideal space between you and your media console, however. The ideal ratio is around 1.5-2.5 times the diagonal width of your screen. For example, this means that if you have a 40inch TV it should be approximately 5-8.5 feet away from your screen.