Transitioning homes has an unrivaled impact on your daily routine when you consider your new location and the decorating opportunities you have in your new space. However, the act of moving may have spiritual consequences, too.  There is a host of ways to promote spiritual well-being in your Feng Shui home, whether you learn what color is good luck for a front door or what color is unlucky for a kitchen. Though, with color aside, you can practice an uncooked rice-spreading ritual that is particularly popular among those who have just moved home. However, you don’t necessarily don’t need to be a new homeowner to enjoy its power.  This is what the process involves – and how the practice may bring you good fortune in your home.  

Why do you bring rice to a new home?

Licia Morelli, a spiritual expert, and co-founder of Hey Clair (opens in new tab) explains that rice is the ancient symbol of wealth, fertility, and good health. ‘Sprinkling rice around a new home is considered a protective practice  – keeping good energy around and protection from any negative energy that might be lingering from the past owners,’ she says.  The tradition started with the Romans, who threw wheat and (later rice) in their new homes. Thousands of years later, the act is becoming ever-popular worldwide. 

How do you throw rice in your home?

Much like blowing cinnamon at your front door, the act of throwing rice in your home is quick and simple. ‘The first thing you want to do is find a beautiful bowl to hold your rice in. Next, before you walk through the threshold of the home, hold the bowl in your hands and ask that it support you to bring protection, prosperity, fertility, and abundance into the home space,’ Licia instructs.  ‘As you walk through the front door threshold, keep that intention in mind, and begin to toss a handful of rice into each room of the house.’ After completing the ritual, it’s time to put your favorite cleaning tips to good use – thanking the room for its service as your sweep the rice away.

What makes rice lucky in the spiritual world? 

‘When you move into a new home, it’s important to honor the space and begin to ground the energy as yours,’ Licia says. ‘It’s also important to set an intention for the home to be happy, prosperous, and abundant and move out any negative vibes or energy from the household before.’ The expert suggests that the process is most common among new homeowners. However, anyone can experiment with its cleansing properties, whether you are new to your home or not.  When you sprinkle rice throughout your new home, or if you want to cleanse your current home, set the intention for prosperity, abundance, clarity, and ease as you sprinkle the rice,’ Licia explains.  The process is also most effective when completed around the full moon, as it matches the lunar energy. ‘Because sprinkling rice is cleansing out any unnecessary energy in your home and welcoming in the energy of your hopes, desires, and intentions, it matches well with the full moon energy of release, reclaims, impact, and visibility.’ Alongside its cleansing benefits, celebrity psychic and esoteric expert Inbaal Honigman (opens in new tab) explains that ritual will create good feng shui in your home.  ‘The symbolism of uncooked rice varies between traditions, at times symbolizing patience since rice needs care and attention to cook well, and at other times representing abundance, because if you have rice, you won’t go hungry,’ the psychic says.  ‘When moving into a new house, there’s a Feng Shui tradition of sprinkling raw rice around. This is said to change negative energy into positive and move the ‘chi,’ the energy around the house. This can be done both inside and outside the house.’