Feng Shui’s meaning is found in a series of intricacies. As well as finding the best Feng Shui bedroom layout and avoiding the Feng Shui death position, finding the correct positioning of each item can have a huge impact on the chi energy of your space. When it comes to Feng Shui bed placement, for example, ensuring you are not facing north could determine the quality of your rest.  Here we look at why facing north could disturb your sleep, and where you should rest your head instead. 

Why should you not sleep facing north?  

Sleeping in a northerly position is considered to be troublesome for bedroom Feng Shui by some Feng Shui schools. Because sleep is one of the most important activities for the body, and you are in your passive Yin state, achieving good Feng Shui furniture placement in the bedroom is considered of the utmost importance. For some schools, sleeping in a northerly position is considered poor practice as it is believed to increase sleep disorders such as insomnia which can make you lethargic and unmotivated in everyday life. The result of which is decreased luck and prosperity. This is why when arranging a Feng Shui bedroom for good energy the north position is avoided. It is believed that sleeping north has a physical effect on your body too. Sleeping facing north is thought to increase your blood pressure and even cause headaches upon waking up.  There are, however, debates surrounding whether or not sleeping facing north should be avoided between different Feng Shui schools. Feng Shui expert Patricia Lohan (opens in new tab) suggests that sleeping north may in fact benefit some people. ‘In the school of Feng Shui that I practice, there is an optimum direction for each person based on the year that they are born. Every person has the best direction for them and in an ideal scenario you will sleep with your head pointed in that direction. It may be north or it may not be north. This is very very unique and bespoke to each person so I don’t align with the information that sleeping with the north is not good Feng Shui. ‘There are many different schools of Feng shui out there with very different opinions and it can get confusing. The philosophy that I use, and see results from, is to work with the house that you have.’ she adds ‘Work with the bedroom that you have, optimize it, and do the very best that you can.’

There are a few ways your bed can face to increase the chances of luck and possibly improve your night’s rest if the north position does not work for you. East – The east position is believed to represent creativity and could bring about feelings of ambition and growth. This is a good position to sleep in if you would like to influence your career.  Southeast – The southeast position is believed to help improve communication, so a bed facing this direction could bring you luck in your relationships.  Southwest – A southwest position is thought to bring peace and serenity, and so could reduce stress and increase your luck through settling your mind. 

What bed positions should be avoided?  

The north position is widely considered the worst bed position and should be avoided in Feng Shui. Along with the north, however, are the south and northeast positions.  Sleeping in a southerly position is believed to disturb your sleep as this area of the Bagua map is one of high energy. Sleeping in a southerly position could cause more arguments in relationships, nightmares, or restlessness. A northeast position, on the other hand, could leave you vulnerable to nightmares as it is thought to bring out strong emotions. For a more peaceful night’s sleep and to avoid feeling on edge throughout your day, position your bed away from the northeast position.  When it comes to your personal sleeping arrangements, find a position to face that does not disturb your sleep, and consider rearranging your room if you believe negative Feng Shui may be causing you minor sleep disturbances.