The San Diego-born actor, who reportedly lives in Brooklyn Heights, has spent much of his life on America’s coasts, but his furniture style draws from international influences. He has revealed his admiration for understated Nordic design, most specifically Danish-modern chairs, a stand-out feature in his home. But his exploration of Scandinavian decor is not new.  Speaking with the New Yorker (opens in new tab), the actor talked about his taste for Danish-modern chairs, adding that he and his wife, actress Joanne Tucker, have a knockoff Hans Wegner. ‘He joked that if he weren’t an actor, he might have been a furniture maker.’ Often referred to as the ‘master of the chair,’ Danish designer Hans Wegner created nearly 500 pieces in his lifetime, including the Easy Chair, pictured above. Many of his works are considered masterpieces, but his Wishbone Chair, designed in 1949, is perhaps his best-known and has been in constant production since its inception.  A photo posted by on While Adam did not expand on his chosen design, we would not be surprised if he had opted for the iconic Wishbone. With its versatility, organic shape, and timelessness, the piece will look just as fitting in Brooklyn as it did in Denmark, where it was first commissioned. It’s certainly easy to see the enduring attraction behind a Scandinavian living room, especially when it includes a statement chair such as Adam Driver’s. However, Bo Hellberg, CMO at String Furniture (opens in new tab), suggests there is even more to Nordic style than its undeniable good looks. ‘When it comes to Scandinavian design, there’s often a big misconception – Scandinavian design is more than just neat and necessary,’ he begins. ‘Equally essential as pure function is beauty that draws inspiration from Nordic nature. A feeling of quiet elegance, no matter the object, material, or pattern.’ So, while you may be considering Adam’s accent chair idea for its looks, you can rest easy knowing that the right piece will bring a soothing Scandinavian ambiance to your space. It’s time to follow his lead and make the investment.