Author Arthur Parkinson learned the art of planting at Kew Gardens before mastering his technique alongside Sarah Raven. He is currently the gardener at the Emma Bridgewater pottery factory and the author behind two books, including The Flower Yard: Growing Flamboyant Flowers in Containers. Therefore, when it comes to container garden ideas, you can trust his advice.  In an interview, the expert revealed that the success of your potted plant depends on using the right soil type. And while you may be tempted to opt solely for compost, Arthur explains that using it exclusively is a mistake. Here’s what you need to do instead.

Arthur Parkinson’s potted plant compost secret  

‘In a pot situation, compost can become lifeless, so if you can include some real soil, it really helps to bring it together,’ Arthur says. You can borrow soil from your garden; however, the expert also recommends another (unlikely) source of enrichment.  ‘If you’re on a walk and you see a molehill, take some molehill soil home in a bag for life and mix it in with your shop-bought compost,’ he suggests. While this garden idea may initially sound unconventional, Arthur explains that it has lots of micronutrients and organisms – all of which are perfect for keeping your plant alive.  ‘It’s something I started doing a few years ago after buying cheap supermarket compost,’ he says. Potted plants are self-contained environments, so introducing this natural goodness is one of the best things you can do for your greenery.  If you have moles in your own garden, it is a good idea to take as mix the molehill soil in as much compost as possible – to ensure your plants blossom for a long time to come. However, if you’re picking it up whilst on your walk, fear not. A little bit goes a long way.  Arthur Parkinson’s unorthodox small garden ideas don’t end there. He also urges you to experiment with seaweed fertilizer when the warmer weather arrives. However, in the meantime, we’ll be packing our carrier bags for our next hike.