The pressures on parents at the moment are immense – both homeschooling their children and working from home. Having an extra hand to keep on top of the housework would be a relief for many. 

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Can cleaners still work in lockdown?

Fortunately, the latest government guidelines say that cleaners can still work in lockdown, as they are among those who are unable to work remotely. With lots of parents feeling burnt out due to the juggle between work and homeschooling – let alone living through a global pandemic – this is good news for many. We all know having a tidy, ordered space around us has a huge impact on our mental health, meaning we’re able to face any challenges our day might throw at us. The government has laid out some guidelines on its website (opens in new tab) for those visiting people’s homes. ‘From 6 January, a national lockdown applies in all of England. You can only leave home for work purposes where it is unreasonable for you to do your job from home,’ the government site explains. ‘Where it is necessary for you to work in other people’s homes – for example, for nannies, cleaners or tradespeople – you can do so. Otherwise, you should avoid meeting for work in a private home or garden, where Covid-19 secure measures may not be in place.’ 

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For those who cannot work from home, the government also advises washing hands and disinfecting surfaces more frequently, and to keep the time spent indoors as short as possible. People are advised to travel to work alone and to use their own transport rather than getting the bus or train – if this option is available to them. Those providing in-home services are advised to ask their employer to leave the doors within their home open to avoid repeated contact on door handles. They should also bring their own food and drink, and take breaks outside if possible.

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Cleaners are advised to take precautions and to follow social distancing when working, and they must not go to work if they have any coronavirus symptoms, such as a consistent cough, high temperature or change in their sense of smell or taste. So it’s good news for cleaners, who can continue to work, and for those of us in need of an extra helping hand, as having a cleaner come to your home does not break current lockdown rules.