See: How to plant roses – our comprehensive guide The newest rose addition to David Austin’s world-class collection (opens in new tab) marks the light at the end of the tunnel and celebrates the wonderful work of healthcare workers. Though Nye Bevan is not a name that will mean a lot to many people, the acronym ‘NHS’ will. The National Health Service offers free and available treatment to everyone in the United Kingdom – and was created by politician Aneurin ‘Nye’ Bevan so that everyone, no matter their wealth or status, could be treated, following the disasters of World War II. It seems only right, then, that a man who wanted to put the health of people before all else should become the figurehead of those everywhere, who are doing exactly that right now.  The Nye Bevan rose is a dainty English shrub rose with heart-like petals that initially bloom in bright yellow, then slowly fade to a gentle cream as the flower ages, giving the shrub an elegant depth.  ‘This is an uplifting variety whose light and airy blooms radiate hope and positivity’ says Richard Austin, manager of David Austin Roses (opens in new tab) A repeat flowering rose with medium size blooms, it promises to be a garden favorite throughout the season and grows well in both border or containers. With a light myrrh fragrance, it will be particularly welcome near patios and seating areas, where you can bask in its beauty and perfume. ‘The past year has demonstrated just how important the NHS is to all of our lives, and it is such a fitting tribute to all those who have worked tirelessly to care for us during this challenging time,’ says Jaselle Williams, great, great niece of Aneurin Bevan and Secretary of the Aneurin Bevan Society (opens in new tab). The rose will shipped from May but is available to pre-order now (opens in new tab), and will be released with a limited edition Nye Bevan pot and celebratory limited edition packaging. Plus a portion of the sale will be donated to health-based charities.

What is special about David Austin roses?

What makes David Austin roses special is their beautiful blooms and disease resistance.  ‘David Austin roses look back to the old roses with their blowsy, cupped rosette form and range of scents, combined with the repeat-flowering nature and wider color palette of modern roses’ says garden expert Leigh Clapp. This makes for a totally unique breed of rose that mixes the best of old and new. 

See: Sissinghurst rose pruning trick – this will boost your blooms

Plus, when it comes to pruning, ‘David Austin roses are designed to be very forgiving’ says Leigh, which makes them great if you are a rose growing novice.