Experts have revealed that this flower may deter ants – the common pest that emerges from its dormant state in springtime. Therefore, if you find yourself wondering how to get rid of ants this season, using this trendy bloom may be the answer. Here’s how.

Using chrysanthemums to deter ants – the natural way to keep pests away

Garden experts, including BBC Gardeners’ World’s presenter Mark Lane and author Sarah Raven (her current favorite chrysanthemum ‘is the smoky mother of pearl Avignon Pink (opens in new tab)) have confessed their love for this garden trend. But the chrysanthemum is equally as powerful inside your home too. Here’s what you need to know about their hidden abilities. 

How do chrysanthemums deter ants? 

‘Ant-deterring plants have a strong odor, so the aromatic fragrance not only keeps ants away, but they smell great in your home too,’ explains Primrose’s (opens in new tab) Gardening Expert Evie Lane.  In the chrysanthemums’ case, the blooms contain pyrethrum – an ingredient that you will often find in natural insect repellents. According to Fantastic Pest Control (opens in new tab)’s expert Jordan Foster, this pyrethrum ‘attacks the nervous system’, but it is safe for pets, birds, and most animals.  ‘Some ant repellents are not to be used around children and pets, which is why natural deterrents may be a better option if you have spotted a few ants inside the home,’ Evie adds.  However, this natural chemical is great for repelling ticks, fleas, spider mites, and bed bugs – and if you’re looking for how to get rid of cockroaches, then this chemical could work for them too. So, investing in these blooms may keep your home pest-free all season.  ‘The compound is also becoming quite popular as a pest control choice since it’s biodegradable and breaks down with light and oxygen exposure,’ Jordan shares. And, if you’re still not a fan of chrysanthemums, then you can still enjoy their pest-repellent benefits without having to endure their bold retro hues.  ‘You can make your own spray by grinding dried leaves into a powder to kill and repel insects,’ they say.  This floral trend looks good but has a host of organic benefits too – it’s definitely worth a try. And, by the way, it’s made our list of the best air cleaning indoor plants, too, so having at least one in your home is a win-win.