Hilton is adamant that house plants aren’t just props, but living things and family members. Treat them like treasured pets, he says – caring for them individually in a way that suits their needs – and only bring them home if you can really cope with the maintenance they demand.  His biggest tip for care for house plants in winter? Cleaning them – not for aesthetics but to help them thrive in the poor light they tend to receive during darker days. 

See: The top 10 house plants – that all interior design lovers should know about

He explains in a recent Instagram post:  A photo posted by on ‘PSA (Plant Service Announcement): Remember that wiping your leaves down twice a month can help deter bugs but will also let more daylight caress the tissue of your foliage! And that could be very useful for those that live in darker spaces or during the winter months.’ And it makes sense – as Hilton has been quoted as saying before, dust can block the light leaves need to help a plant thrive, but can be easily removed with a soft cloth dipped in lukewarm water. 

What can I use to clean house plant leaves?

Use the soft cloth/warm water method we described above.  Plants kept in rooms, such as kitchens, where leaves will attract a sticky grime, might need wiping with a solution of warm water diluted with just a little dish soap – choose the mildest you can find, such as Method (opens in new tab)’s. Ensure you clean both the top and underside of the plant’s leaves – the top may be covered with dust but the underside might be harboring pests, such as spider mites.

5 more house plant care tips for winter

Healthy house plants don’t just look better, caring for them can improve our wellbeing, especially during the dark days of winter.  A photo posted by on ‘Plant care is self care,’ says Hilton Carter on his Instagram feed. ‘Well, for me it is. It’s a moment to let the day slow down and let the stresses of the world dissipate. This is a peek into what my day will look like.  ‘Plants don’t innately make people happy. It’s when you’re able to properly care for them and see your plants thrive that you’ll find that happiness. So the new motto should be, HAPPY PLANT, HAPPY YOU.’ And, of course, cleaning house plants can help with the air-purifying function they naturally perform. With this in mind, try these house plant winter care tips to boost your plants’ health.

See: 10 air purifying plants – for your home office and beyond

1. Move house plants near the windows in winter

Your rooms will be getting less light in winter and dull corners can be dark corners on dull days, so it’s worth moving house plants that are visibly suffering into brighter spots temporarily.

See: Low light plants – perfect for brightening your home on dark winter days

2. Check the room temperature

Moving your house plants to brighter spots could, in itself, be problematic for your plant, so do it with care. Windows and windowsills can be cold spots – too chilly for your plants to thrive, so ensure they’re nearer the windows in winter, but not necessarily pressed right up against them. Equally, hot spots will be tricky for house plants to cope with. If the house plant that loves your mantelpiece year round is suddenly dealing with the heat of a fire or a plant that’s sits next to a radiator belting out heat is wilting, you need to move it – fast.

3. Turn your house plants regularly

Plants grow towards the light, obviously, but if you never rotate it, it will grow crooked and fall over. In winter, you’ll need to turn the plant so that all sides get equal daylight… in summer you may need to turn it so that the leaves get a break from scorching sunlight.  You don’t need to do this too often – once a month will do. Hilton, it should be noted, sets reminders on his calendar so he doesn’t forget any of his individual plants’ needs.

4. Don’t over-water house plants in winter

If your house plants’ leaves are going brown, it’s likely they’re being over-watered – see UK gardening guru Monty Don’s house plant watering tips for more on this.  In summer, we know that plants’ soil dries quickly and that they’re regularly thirsty. In winter, it’s all about individual rooms’ temperatures – warm rooms you’re spending lots of time in will probably house thirstier house plants than those in cooler spaces that you don’t use during the day, such as bedrooms..

5. Check that you and your house plants are well-matched

It’s tempting to buy house plants based on their looks and size alone, but checking that they will thrive in that particular spot in your home – and that you are going to be able to care for them based on their needs is vital.  So, if you have a corner you’d like to fill with a house plant, first take a note of light levels and room temperature to ensure what you buy will actually be happy in that spot. Then check its maintenance requirements – and avoid difficult-to-care-for or demanding house plants if you don’t have the green thumb or time to devote to it.  Finally, if you have animals at home, check your are buying pet-friendly house plants that will be safe if they nibble at them. In other words, look for low maintenance house plants rather than house plants that are hard to keep alive and you’ll hit the sweet spot. Wild Interiors – beautiful plants in beautiful spaces (opens in new tab) – Hilton first guides you through his own plant journey, his inspirations, and his top ten favorite house plants. He then takes you on a Journey in Greenery where he showcases the homes of 12 inspiring plant parents that demonstrate the versatility of decorating with plants. Wild at Home: How to style and care for beautiful plants (opens in new tab) – came out in 2019 and is a wonderful introduction to both displaying and maintaining house plants. ‘Having plants in your home not only adds life, but changes the airflow throughout,’ says Hilton in the book.

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