See our news (opens in new tab) section for more exciting new launches In an effort to reflect how the concept of a happy home will evolve in the years ahead, the experts have settled on First Light. A stark contract to last year’s more subdued choice (cool grey Metropolitan), this soft pink is both flattering and fun – not to mention projects a timely sense of positivity: ‘We selected First Light as our Colour of the Year 2020 to represent a new dawn of idealism, design and living,’ said Andrea Magno, Benjain Moore’s Director of Colour Marketing and Development. ‘It reflects a new definition of the home – a shift in mindset from the material to satisfying the core needs in life: community, comfort, security, self-expression, authenticity and ultimately, optimism’. SeeFarrow & Ball introduces Colour By Nature… a collaboration with the Natural History Museum (opens in new tab) There’s no denying love is in the air when it comes to pink. Once associated with cotton candy and reserved only for little girls’ rooms, it’s now evolved to become a mainstream colour usable in any space – whether as an accent or on all four walls. One might even go so far as to say it’s the new neutral: ‘Over the last few seasons, we’ve gradually seen neutrals with pink and red undertones taking over from our traditionally cooler greys’, says Helen Shaw, Director of Benjamin Moore UK. ‘First Light is a soft and dusky rose tone that flatters any space and reflects our desire to introduce more colour overall into our environment’. Benjamin Moore (opens in new tab) has also created a larger grouping of nine hues that perfectly compliment First Light. From dark and mysterious Cushing Green to soft and playful Golden Straw – which palette pairing will you go for?