This dream is already a reality, with a brand-new service offering to do the entire house move for you. The company even encourages you to go away while they’re completing the move.  While breaks aren’t an option right now, they will be in the not-too-distant future. Who wouldn’t rather use their time off work for soaking up the sun somewhere rather than packing and loading boxes?  See: The expert home staging tips - to help you sell your house quickly in 2021 Organised Interiors (opens in new tab) has just-launched a home move service believed to be the first of its kind in the UK. The professional organising service makes moving house stress-free by overseeing the entire process without the homeowner having to be present.  ‘Take a moment and imagine this – you pack a suitcase for a mini-break, you go away and have a lovely relaxing holiday with your family and when you come back, you return to your new home,’ says Poppy Duffree, founder of the new service.  ‘What are you met with? You’re met with a beautifully organised house, with systems for maintaining this in the future. The beds are made, there’s milk in the fridge and the only thing you have to unpack is your suitcase.’  Sounds fabulous, you may be thinking, but how will they know how to arrange the furniture or where to hang your favorite painting? Everything has been thought out. Poppy, a professional home organizer, takes into account the homeowners stylistic and practical preferences before a move.   She conducts an in-depth pre-move consultation, including a visit to the new property, so she gets to understand the homeowner’s lifestyle and personal vision. This gives the home mover an opportunity to give any important details about specific preferences. Anyone who’s had any experience of moving house will know that post-move exhaustion is not conducive to wise layout or storage decisions. In fact, most of us end up living out of boxes for weeks before we figure out what should go where. Why not let someone do it for you?  Poppy explains that Organised Interiors help eliminate problems with the new home before they’re given a chance to happen in the first place. ‘We provide that ‘finished’ look so clients get the “wow” factor when walking into their new home,’ she explains. ‘We ensure their home is purposeful, peaceful and guest-ready. We make sure that the home is set up correctly the first time around, with clear systems and structures in place, avoiding weeks, or months, of partially unpacked boxes and numerous changes to get the space to work. ‘The solutions we create are visually pleasing and functional. Our personalized approach allows people to enjoy the consultation process and communicate their vision for their new home without them having to unpack a single box.’ On their return, Poppy’s clients are given a tour of their new home. They are presented with a personalized new home guide, that covers each space and details what is stored where. Fees for the bespoke home move service start from around £4,000, depending on a number of factors, including the size of the home. There are optional extras such as a pre-move declutter, and an ultimate presentation package, where Organised Interiors source organizing space saving ideas that work for the new home.  Where do we sign up?