Christmas trends are no different, attracting our eagle eyes, and this year sees an unsurprising return to a simpler way of celebrating, with homespun decorations a really big look. However, there’s an important detail to add: the homespun decorations this year – and for years to come, we hope – should be recycled Christmas decorations, or at least eco-friendly, to be truly on trend. This, of course, thanks to the extraordinary work of eco warrior Greta Thunberg (below) and the great Sir David Attenborough (eco choices are even being named as influenced by The Attenborough Effect).  Where to shop? We’ll tell you below – and bring you our five favorites. Before that, though… A photo posted by on When we say ‘recycled’, the ideal is, of course, to use Christmas decorations you’ve had for years – family heirlooms, your children’s makes, baubles that have fallen out of favor. If you have a strict color scheme for your Christmas tree or table and they don’t fit, use these recycled Christmas decorations as fillers – at the back of the tree, at the bottom of a bowl of baubles or create an entirely new scheme for a space you usually don’t decorate, such as the hallway. 

Where to shop for recycled Christmas decorations

Can Christmas decorations be recycled?

If you want to get rid of old Christmas decorations, you will probably find that they are not eco-friendly so cannot be recycled into landfill. Your best option, in this case, is to upcycle them, donating them to a local charity or school, who can no doubt make use of them, either selling them on or using them to decorate their premises.

Christmas tree trends 2020 – top new looks and classic approaches to decorating your tree

How do I dispose of tinsel?

Sadly, tinsel is not able to be recycled so it is best, again, to keep it and repurpose it in imaginative ways – or to pass it on to a charity shop, school, local church… or anyone who might appreciate it and know how to responsibly dispose of it in future.

How do you make Christmas greener?

These are quick ways to have a more eco-friendly Christmas:

When you can, shop local at independent stores – your community will benefit from this too.Make sure Christmas decorations are eco-friendly – check decorations are made sustainably.Choose eco-friendly alternatives to gift wrap – see our feature on Furoshiki to see how the Japanese do it (it’s brilliant!).Get a real tree… ensuring it is grown sustainably – and make sure to dispose of it properly, too.Send e-cards or make your own.