These changes, don’t need to be big. Sometimes the smallest of home staging tips – like ensuring the space is decluttered and smells nice – can help lure in a potential buyer. According to a realtor survey (opens in new tab), the master bedroom is one of the most important rooms to buyers. However, staging a small bedroom or children’s room is just as important to give you an edge over other sellers’.   ‘Buyers want to buy into the dream of a new home and a new life (which is usually better than theirs) so if possible remove anything you really don’t need to create the feeling of openness, light, and calming,’ says Juliette Hohnen of Douglas Elliman (opens in new tab).

Staging a bedroom: top tips

Most of us dream of a bedroom that is peaceful and organized. That is the ideal you are trying to sell when staging a bedroom.

1. Keep bedroom staging simple

The number one priority when staging a bedroom like with any room in the house is to keep it simple. A blank canvas that demonstrates the possibilities of the home to a buyer. ‘Simplicity is everything when it comes to bedroom ideas,’ says Juliette. ‘You want to draw the buyer’s eyes to the house, not the furniture, especially if it’s not great furniture.’ ‘Dress every bed in crispy white ironed sheets and add a throw to the bed to add color. Most buyers want to see a bedroom as a peaceful retreat. Remove stray clothes and shoes, keep the bedside tables simple, a book, a candle… In other words, decluttered.’

Keep the bedroom looking like, well, a bedroom. That means any items not related to a peaceful night’s sleep should be relocated, or hidden away with some smart bedroom storage ideas.  ‘A desk or treadmill stuffed in the corner might indicate to buyers that there aren’t enough rooms in the house,’ says Rachel, lifestyle expert at (opens in new tab)

3. Choose the right size bed

Make sure the bed is the right size for the room. As the focal point for the room getting not just your bed ideas, but the proportions right is crucial.  ‘A bed that’s too big makes the room feel small, while one too small can make the space feel bare,’ says Rachel.

4. Invest in new bedding 

‘While you’re at it, throw on some new bedding,’ advises Rachel. ‘But avoid dark colors; instead, pick neutral, light-colored linens. Add some colorful accent pillows to round the space out.’ Knowing how to dress a bed can be a tricky art, but getting it right will go a long way with potential buyers. 

5. Add ambient lighting

Consider your bedroom lighting ideas – you want to create an inviting atmosphere. Rather than overhauling your main lighting fixtures, this can be achieved with stylish lamps.  Rachel says: ‘Bedside lamps are a must, and I recommend choosing lighting with a warmer hue, which will make the room feel cozier.’

6. Clear the closet

‘Clean out those closets!’ exclaims Rachel. ‘A lack of bedroom storage is usually a deal-breaker, so make sure your closets aren’t overstuffed and there’s space between hangers and you can actually see the floor.’ Once you have the bedroom sorted don’t forget to move on to staging a living room and other rooms in your house.  The principles are similar, but a few little styling tricks can make a huge difference.