It is the first time Chelsea has been cancelled since the Second World War. SeeThe RHS Chelsea Flower Show 2020 has been cancelled Sue Biggs, RHS Director General, explains in an open letter (opens in new tab) online: ‘We celebrate our great horticultural industry and gardening heritage with ‘press day’ being Monday 18 May 2020 and the Virtual Show running from Tuesday 19 May to Saturday 23 May.’ ‘As you can imagine we’re at the early stages of planning this, so more details will be announced in coming weeks,’ says Sue. ‘We cannot create the actual show at The Royal Hospital Chelsea, but we are looking at what we can do on our RHS website and other platforms for people to enjoy and to share the joy of gardening. We will of course be asking for the ideas and involvement of growers, nurseries, designers, landscapers and tradestands too and look forward to sharing ideas very soon.’ ‘All of us here at the RHS have been extremely touched and moved by all the support, kindness and offers for help from the horticultural industry, our members, volunteers, show visitors, the BBC and so many more following the sad cancellation of RHS Chelsea Flower Show and our other shows and garden events until 30 June.’ ‘When so many people, businesses, charities and everyone in the horticultural industry are going through such tough and challenging times, we are even more grateful for this support and people taking time to get in touch. Which is why I wanted to write this note and thank you all – it has meant so much to all of us who have the honour and joy of creating this world famous gardening show.’ SeeRHS Chelsea Flower Show 2019 winners: all the Gold, Silver Gilt, Silver and Bronze medal gardens While we might not be able to attend the Chelsea Flower Show in person this year, the virtual show means we can still marvel at all that the RHS Chelsea Flower Show has to offer from the comfort of our homes.