Whether you are looking for ways to keep a home cool in a heatwave or want to know how to cool down a living room in your home that always bears the brunt of the sunshine and hot air, this expert window hack will help. 

The viral window tip to keep your home cool

Keeping your house cool is essential during a heatwave and, if you find that your house lets in direct sunlight, especially in the afternoon, you could find that conditions quickly become unbearable.  But if you have opened all of the windows in your home in an effort to keep cool, you might want to think again. It turns out that the trick is to only open certain ones.  ‘With the US weather being so unpredictable, we are never fully ready for when a big heatwave hits,’ says Lucy Askew, spokesperson for Hillary’s. ‘This expert quick tip will help keep you cool whilst you are at home – and you won’t need to spend any money doing it.’

1. Shut all windows on the south side of your house

During a heatwave it is recommended that you close all windows on the south side of your house, and draw the curtains. This is usually the side that receives the most sunlight.  Remember, the sun is at its hottest around 3 pm. Heat continues building up after noon, when the sun is highest in the sky. By 5 pm, the sun is low enough in the sky for outgoing heat to be greater than incoming. 

2. Open all the windows on the north side of your house

The north side of your house usually receives little to no direct sunlight, so it is recommended that you open these windows to allow cooler air to circulate within the home.  This viral TikTok trend has certainly lit up the internet with many agreeing that it is the ultimate secret to a cool home, and it is also a great way to protect and keep pets safe from heatwaves. It is also worth thinking about your window treatments. The right window treatment ideas could be just what you need to ensure your home stays cooler for longer. If your house does experience more sunlight throughout the day then it’s recommended you keep your curtains, shutters and blinds shut to stop the sunlight from beaming into your home. This will keep things marginally cooler and slightly more bearable during heatwaves.