But how do you use coffee grounds to clean furniture? Whether you have some organic goodness leftover from your coffee maker or you’re cleaning out your coffee press, the experts have a secret that will leave your wooden furniture looking spotless. 

Using coffee grounds to clean wooden furniture

According to Daniel P. Craig, furniture expert and founder of Kitchen Deets (opens in new tab), coffee grounds are perfect for cleaning furniture that has received harsh scratches that are notoriously hard to repair. ‘A little trick I’ve used is to cover scratches by applying some used coffee grounds with a cotton swab. Let the grounds sit on the scratches for 10 minutes and then wipe away gently,’ Daniel explains. ‘It really works.’ While this cleaning tip may seem unconventional, the expert explains that, in most cases, it is hard to tell where the scratches were after you have repaired them. And Daniel is not exclusive in his admiration for this surprising technique. 

How to use coffee grounds to clean wooden furniture  

‘Coffee grounds are a great tool to cover up any scratches you find on your furniture,’ adds St Louis-based decorator Andre Kazimierski. The CEO of Improovy Painters (opens in new tab)similarly recommends mixing your grounds with 1/4 cup of warm water and a 1/4 cup of vinegar before shaking the mixture. He says you should leave it to steep for at least one hour before applying it to your scratches with a rag.  ‘Both methods darken the scratch and make it less noticeable,’ Andre says. However, he adds that you should always test the color in a concealed spot before experimenting with the DIY decorating idea.  If you’re struggling to shake a scratch from your favorite piece, your coffee may have the solution. It’s time to pause before you throw away these powerful grounds.